PBM Carve-Out Plan:

Saving Nearly $3 Million in a Year


Savings due to Improved Discounts


Unlocked hidden and improved rebate value


Client’s total savings

The Situation

One of our brokers had a city government client in the Southeast who felt that they lacked a clear understanding of their prescription plan costs, benefits, and rebates.

They had concerns about increased drug spend and didn’t feel they were getting the service or attention they deserved. The client struggled with a lack of reporting options and a lack of visibility into their prescription drug benefits and contract.

Due to the lack of transparency into their pharmacy benefits and insufficient opportunities for cost savings through the incumbent pharmacy carrier, the client worked with their broker to switch to Crumdale Specialty for a custom PBM carve-out plan.



Work with their broker to access a custom PBM carve-out plan with Crumdale’s strategic cost-saving solutions and contract transparency.


Work with Crumdale to carve out a custom PBM plan for their client with contract validation and support for ongoing cost savings.

The Results

With Crumdale’s expert pharmacy benefits consulting, PBM contract transparency and validation, and custom carve-out, the client was able to access market-leading discounts and rebates for a year savings of $2,878,266.
