Ready to switch your clients to self-funding? Find some helpful steps to make the transition easier for brokers, groups and employees. Maximize cost savings and transparency with Crumdale’s custom, integrated, turnkey solution.


While switching to self-funding can be highly beneficial for companies of all sizes, it can be confusing and complex without guidance to navigate the process, plan benefits, implementation and necessary components for a low-risk, transparent approach to savings.

Businesses rely on brokers to guide them through their plan changes and renewals to enable the best solutions that make self-funding stable, simple and customized for their group’s needs.

At Crumdale Specialty, we make it easy for you to help clients harness the benefits of self-funding with the cost containment and customization they need integrated into our turnkey solution, Franklin Health. With years of experience, continued support, and exclusive self-funding tools, we provide consistent, custom and integrated cost-savings through a multi-year approach. 

If your clients are interested in self-funding, contact Crumdale Specialty to help guide you through the steps below for a successful, swift transition that services your client’s needs. From a complimentary, confidential client assessment to plan implementation with ongoing cost containment, we’re here to help from start to finish.

Step 1. Research & Education: Understand Self-Funding

Brokers should understand the ins and outs of self-funding with the proper due diligence to explain to clients what a self-funded plan means. Ensure they know that they will have to take financial and fiduciary responsibility for their employee health plan instead of the insurance company, as is typical in fully-funded insurance.


Step 2. Consider Company Size & Cash Flow

Previously, it felt like larger companies were the best fit for self-insurance because of their ability to handle risk and high claims costs, but company size isn’t the sole factor to consider. A small or mid-size company with proper cash flow and budgeting—in addition to stop-loss and risk management strategies offered by Crumdale—can adequately take on self-funding. 


Step 3. Strategize Benefits vs. Trade-Offs

Find out what your client’s custom goals are for their company plan, so you can help them balance their employee benefits with potential costs to determine the best trade-off. Depending on the type of company, amount of employees, wages and turnover rate, some clients will value different benefits, such as long-term disease management to improve employee experiences versus narrow networks to reduce costs. 


Step 4. Consider Cost Control

Self-funding can provide significant savings for clients compared to past renewals with the right cost-containment strategies in place. Crumdale can help brokers implement cost controls specific to each client that make self-funding beneficial for both the employee and group with medical underwriting and stop-loss protection, risk management, independent TPAs, custom Rx programs and more.


Step 5. Discuss Stop-Loss Protection

With a strategic approach to medical underwriting and stop-loss, clients can obtain renewal stability, pricing control and improve their long-term financial strategy. With help from Crumdale, brokers can leverage our global volume to access leading rates, terms, and discounts.


Step 6. Multi-Year Approach Advantage

An essential aspect of self-funded health plans is that they consider savings over several years in the design and approach. So just because a group experiences a bad first year, they can still save more money in the long run, and brokers can remind clients the cost-savings will be evident over a multi-year basis.


Step 7. Explore Turnkey Solutions

If you’re ready to help clients experience the benefits of self-funding, learn more about our turnkey solution with Franklin health, which combines all the necessary components for stable, low-risk self-funding and cost savings in a single integrated solution. We customize everything with transparent contracts from superior carriers, including solutions for group purchasing stop-loss protection, TPA administration, independent PBMs with a Guaranteed Cost Program, and more to deliver long-term savings.


Helping Clients Harness Self-Funding for Consistent Savings


After the plan is implemented, it’s important to monitor metrics and leverage the self-insurance plan to take advantage of design, benefits, wellness programs, stop-loss strategies, and more to enhance savings. Finding the ultimate plan organization with the appropriate programs and initiatives for ongoing cost-containment is something you can count on Crumdale Specialty for. 

If you have clients you think might be a good fit for self-funding, learn how to start the discussion with them or contact us to help you plan for all the steps above to successfully switch them to our custom, integrated and stable self-funded solution.